Our design is a distillation of the process
of herbal tea production, the Latvian wilderness,
and traditional rural Latvian building typologies
where the hearth was the focal point of shelters.
The spaces allows for two intertwining journeys to occur as the tea maker meanders from the outdoors to the indoors, from production to accommodation. Central to our design is the drying chimney. Used as a highly controlled drying space, this drying chimney is constructed from recycled stone with an added pink dye to create a warm to touch, terrazzo style chimney space reminiscent to the speckled patterns of tea leaves.
The material and energy strategy revolves around the idea of a circular economy or circular metabolism. The principle at the heart of the philosophy is to minimise the waste and necessary input of raw materials that are required for the centre to be created and function over it’s lifetime.
The use of local materials is vital to reduce the energy associated with the transport of materials and the reuse of existing stone barn materials eliminated the need to excavate and haul away the debris for disposal.
The journey of each user is taken
into consideration as part of the circular
economy, which embeds our environmental
strategy into the fabric of the buildings
from concept to completion.